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Holding a Bone Marrow Registry for NDMP - (National Donor Marrow Program) at Bergenfield's 2024
Family Fun Day. We had a table with information regarding organ and tissue do from The New Jersey
Sharing Network - which also provided Donors For Danny first Bone Marrow Registry.

Bergen County Coaches Association Tournament
Pictured below are the two Danny Glover Scholarship Award Winners:
Abigail Loszynski and Paul Miele, both from Bergenfield.

4/21/23 Ursinus Wrestling Team Dinner

Ray, Karyn and Gary Nagle - the Ursinus Senior Wrestler who won the Danny Glover Spirit Award and Scholarship.

Ray, Karyn and Jacob Sheiner who is an Ursinus Freshman- (Fair Lawn graduate)
who received the scholarship last year. His dad was Danny's Bergenfield High School Wrestling Assistant Coach.

2023 Ursinus Wrestling Team Dinner
Jacob Sheiner and his teammate
Taylor Peterson from Garfield Highschool, the first female wrestler to win The Danny Glover
Memorial Scholarship, Aaron Khan Head Wrestling Coach in Garfield and Karyn Glover

4/21/23 Ursinus Wrestling Team Dinner