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Photo of Danny Glover

Donors for Danny, a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Corporation, was established in 2017 in memory of Daniel Kristopher Glover.


Danny was born on March 27, 1987 to Karyn and Raymond Glover. He grew up in Bergenfield, NJ and attended Bergenfield High School where he participated in football, baseball and wrestling. He was a standout wrestler, becoming the school’s first 100 match winner.  He graduated in 2005 and went on to wrestle at Ursinus College in Collegeville PA.


In 2008, Karyn underwent a bone marrow transplant for a rare cancer, and Danny left school to help take care of her. While at home he became an assistant coach at his alma mater and worked for the local DPW.  Once Karyn was stronger he returned to Ursinus to finish his degree and fulfill his goal of being a four year collegiate athlete.After graduation he found work at Troegs Brewery and lived in Hershey PA.


In 2011, during Thanksgiving break, Danny came home from being out with friends and said, “Mom we need to talk.”  What Danny wanted her to understand was, his desire to be an organ, eye and tissue donor.  He began the conversation with “Mom, I know a parent isn’t supposed to outlive their kids, but  you have to know. I would want to help people.”  The Glover kids had been exposed to transplant since they were young, due to Karyn's rare cancer diagnosis.


Two months later on January 21, 2012 while on the way to a fellow Ursinus alum and teammates funeral, Danny was in a severe motor vehicle accident. He suffered traumatic brain injuries and died nine days later on January 30, 2012. He was an organ donor who saved and enhanced many lives including that of his little league coach who received Danny’s liver.


Donors for Danny mission is two-fold. one to encourage others to become organ, eye and tissue donors. Through volunteering with The New Jersey Sharing Network, our states organ procurement organization, we spread education and awareness on the importance of donation and transplant. We also work to raise funds for the Danny Glover Memorial Scholarship fund.

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